We Analysed #Gulmarg on Instagram since 2010 and Here Is What We Learnt

We at Gyawun analysed the trends for #Gulmarg on Instagram from 2010 till Jan 2017. We found that since 2010 total 52,708 posts have been done with #gulmarg by 10,710 contributors . These got 2,151,059 likes in  and  65,653 comments in total.

Below  chart shows how many posts have been posted per month since 2010. The maximum number of posts have been done in January 2017  which includes 2366 photos and 350 videos.

If we look at the gender of contributors for #gulmarg, its shows that 70.46% are male and 29.54% are female.

Below diagram shows top contributors by interactions and no of posts.

Here are the top 5 posts  about Gulmarg which got most likes and comments on Instagram since 2010






This analysis has been done by Manan Mushtaq, he can reached on manan@www.gyawun.com for any clarifications.