English Translations of Kashmiri Relationships

Father in Kashmiri is called Mole or Bab.

Mother in Kashmiri is called Mouj

Daughter in Kashmiri

Son in Kashmiri is called Nechu


Sister in Kashmiri is called Beni

Brother in Kashmiri is called Boi

Maternal aunt in Kashmiri is called Mass

Paternal Aunt in Kashmiri is called Poph


Father-in-law in Kashmiri is called hyuhur


Mother-in-law in Kashmiri is called Hash

Son-in-Law in Kashmiri is called Zamtur

Daughter in law in Kashmiri is called Nosh

Wife’s sister is called SAL

Husband’s Sister is called Zam

Sister’s husband or a brother-in-law in Kashmiri is called Bema

A woman’s husband’s younger brother is called Dryuyu

Fathers brothers wife in Kashmiri is called Pihchin

Fathers brother is called Pitar

Wife’s brother in Kashmiri is called Hahar

Brothers wife is called Bayikakin

Brother’s son, a nephew is called Babathar

Mother’s Brother is called Maam

Masatur boi-  Mother’s sister son

Masatur bĕñĕ –  the daughter of a maternal aunt, a female maternal cousin

Masatur bema – The husband of the daughter of a maternal aunt, the husband of a maternal cousin.

Masatur dryuyu –  The son of a husband’s maternal aunt, a husband’s maternal cousin.

Masatur Hahar – the mother’s sister’s son of a wife, a wife’s maternal cousin.

Masatur Baayikakan-  Wife of a mother’s sister’s son, the wife of a maternal cousin

Masatur Hihur- Husband or wifes maternal aunts husband

Masatur Hash – Husband or wifes maternal aunt

Masatur Nan – Mother maternal aunt

Mastur Sal – Wifes Maternal female cousin

Mastur Zam – Daughter of the maternal aunt of a husband

Hamsoyi-bay-  a neighbor’s wife; a female neighbor.

Warakur-  Daughter by husbands first wife

Argon – A person whose father is a Kashmirīi but whose mother is not

Zomith-gobur -The son of a husband’s sister

Kori-mol the father of a girl; esp. the father of a bride

Kori moj- mother of a girl, esp mother of a bride

Popha-hash – a husband’s or wife’s paternal aunt

Pophatur boi –  The son of a father’s sister

Pophuw – The husband of a father’s sister