Kashmiri Marriage/Relationship Survey Results

What is more important to Kashmiris in a marriage/relationship

Below chart shows what Kashmiris find more important in a marriage or relationship. Trust leads the charts, followed by respect and honesty.

If we look at these findings through gender prism, for women respect is most important, followed by loyalty and trust. In contrast for men. trust is more important, followed by honesty and respect.

Major Causes of Trouble in Marriage/Relationship as per Kashmiris are

Hands down most Kashmiris think lack of understanding is the major cause of trouble in marriage or relationship and lack of intimacy being least important.


Smoking Vs Relationship Status

We tried to find a correlation between relationship status and smoking from the data we had, we found that Kashmiris who said they are in relation tend to more into smoking. 43% of people who said they are in relationship were current smokers. This reduced to 32% in case of married people and only 23% of singles said they are smokers. We leave it upto you to think and decide why people tend to smoke more when they are in relationship

Gender Vs Relationship Status Vs Depression

Next we asked people if they thought they are depressed, surprisingly more than 50% Kashmiri females when in relationship or married thought they are depressed. While only 25% of single females thought they were depressed.

For Kashmiri men relationship status does not have major effect on their state of being depressed or not. It remains consistent between 25-29%  

Would a Kashmiri Marry a Non-Kashmiri

We asked this question to our participants that would they marry a non Kashmiri 46% said no, 33% said may be and 22% said yes.

Kashmiri Relationship/ Marriage Cheaters vs Other Traits

In our survey we had asked people if they had cheated on their partner in a marriage or relationship, the people who said yes they cheated we tried to map their traits to see how their behavior is. Here is what we found.

65% of people who said they cheated were smokers. According to cheaters three important things needed in a relationship or a marriage are, first trust, second good sex and third respect.