List of Kashmir Wedding Videographers and Photographers

If you are planning for a wedding shoot in Kashmir below list of wedding photographers will be helpful for you. The list shows major players only while there are many other numerous photographers and videographers in Kashmir.


  1. Negotiate well with them.
  2. Ask about the camera which they will use
  3. Take in writing when the edited video and photo will be delivered.
  4. Ask for if there is any limitation of hours
  5. Be clear that video should not be shaky.
  6. Always take raw footage of video and raw photos from them too.

Kashmir Wedding | Aamir Beigh

Rate: Packages starting from 45K to 65K

They provide candid, traditional, drone and pre/post wedding shoots. 30  mins edited video is provided


Master Visuals Studio

Rate: 50K per day ( Cinematic wedding film [30 min], trailer 4-5min, Candid photography + traditional photography)


Kashmir Capture | Aadil Rehbar


Vivid Impressions Studio

Rate: 4K/Day for still photography

Prewedding-Postwedding shoots


Creative Photography Kashmir

Rate: 38k for 2 days, Full HD and 30 Digital Photobook, 5-10 Min teaser, Without drone


Creative Diamonds Media

Having video production houses in Delhi and Kashmir , founded by Ex Disney photo manager Syed faisal aimed to provide quality Cinematography and Photography in Kashmir . Price range starts from 35k for wedding shoots(2) days and 10 k for photoshoot/ day . 

Contact no 9103000324 , 7889366245


MemoRelic Productions

Rate: 70K, 2 days,  Cinematic video (15 mins), Traditional video (45 mins), Candid Photography, Traditional Photography, Canvera Album

Contact: 8825005755


Kashmir Creative Forever

Video package starting from 20K, including photos  30K

Contact no 7889888022

Based in Hyderpora

Faceboook | Instagram

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