Terms Used For Divisions of Time in Kashmiri Language

Brunz = a second (or flip of a finger)
Gar = 24 minutes
Pahar = 7 1/2 gars
Doh = 4 pahars
Doh-rat = 8 pahars (full day of 24 hours)
Haftah = 7 full days
Pachh = 2 haftahs
Ret = 2 pachhs (one lunar month)
Warih = 24 Pachhs ( 12 lunar months)

Ad rat (or nysf shab) = Midnight
Patim Pahar = 3 o’clcok AM
Gazal = Just before day break
Nyuk Gash = Day break

Ad koj = about 2 1/2 hours after sunrise
Koj = about 4 1/2 hours after sunrise
Khandawav koj = about 11 o’clock am
Du pahar = Midday
Seh Pahar = about 3 o’clock pm
Digar = 4 o clock pm
Ad digar = sunset
Sham = Evening
Khaptan= Bedtime, about 9:30 PM